Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The days go by...

Well the days keep going by, its almost like I'm in a dream. I wake-up go about my day, come home, cross off my day on the calendar, and crawl into bed. I walk around and people all around me have no idea that my husband is at war...I see a soldier in uniform and smile... The ones who know he's overseas call and chat and try to help. Im so thankful to the people who are helping me through this. I am getting all my T's crossed and I's dotted since I will be moving home soon to be around family. Skype has become my best friend allowing me to see the people I care about. Slowly the days go by, I stay in my daze...Hope he calls soon but I probably won't hear for quite a few more days.

I'll be starting my first care-package soon and everyone is writing letters for me to send off in the mail.