Sunday, September 27, 2009

Things I've Learned as an Army wife

So I was thinking about all the things that make an Army wife unique and strong, and thought I would write down some things that I have learned over my short time as being an Army Wife and I thought I would say maybe it will help you future wives.

Its OKAY to cry, have really terrible days where all you wanna do is sleep.

A Deployment will never be a good time, it will suck ALOT, you will never not be lonely, and you will always miss and think about your husband, all you can do is find a way to make the days bearable and the time pass.

Rely on friends, but the people who are always there for you are your family...and you will really find out who your friends are during a deployment.

It's okay to call the base and ask every and all stupid questions, thats what they are there for.

A phone-call is PERFECT, and email WONDERFUL, and a text message EXCITING, but having your husband home will always be PRICELESS.

The things that drive you crazy about your husband when they are home, dirty laundry on the floor, annoying habits, etc. are the things you will miss!

Any date, time, appointment that the army sets up, will change not once but thousands of times.

Anything you try to plan more than 24 hours in advance has a 75% chance of getting rescheduled by the army

Write everything in pencil. But cross days off your calendar in permanent marker you will never have to relive that day again.

You will need to be supremely independent when he is gone, but let him be the man of the house and your partner and help out when he is home.

Its perfectly alright to cry, if you need to just take 10 minutes go into your car, bathroom, office and just cry. Don't bottle it all in it won't help let it out break down, then move on.

Write in a journal every night when they are gone, the good the bad and the ugly of your day. Let them read it when they get home they appreciate it.

Just because the person you fall in love with is in the army doesn't mean you know what you signed up for, or knew how hard it would be.

No news, is good news.

And the most important thing I have learned during this deployment is: I will never ever take one single moment one single second with my husband home for granted. And he really is the love of my life!