So I missed him being on Facebook by two yes two %$*& seconds. Haven't heard from him in days...thought i would at least get some kind of call today. But nope I missed him by two seconds on facebook; if a friend hadn't told me he was online i wouldn't have realized till i logged in later. I miss him....and i really wish he was here this weekend.
I've stayed positive most of the weekend but now im just angry that i missed him, all i got was a two line message
"I love you, phones are down, internet just got back up, call you in a few days." I am thankful that at least i got that, but i just miss talking to him, seeing him, being with him...
I miss my best friend.
And what is worse is after i ran to the computer logged in and saw the message, I told my family that I missed him he had logged off and the phones were down...their response: "The phones aren't down he just doesn't want to call you."
Gee thanks I needed that, I know its not true I know he would call if he could but seriously I dont need crappy comments like that on thanksgiving or any other time during the deployment. ARGH.