So here I am at 10pm on Boxing day staring at my computer why do I feel so down?
Cause my hubby never got to talk to me on Christmas. He changed his status and then sent me a msg saying "Internet failing i'll try later'....he TRIED calling but couldn't hear me at 9 am on Christmas Day.
All I want is to talk to him. He gave everyone else the phones first on Christmas, and by the time he got to them, they wouldn't work. Some of the wives I know have gotten 4 phone calls on Christmas, and one or more today. Like SERIOUSLY karma cut me a break all I want is to hear him say "I love you'. Don't get me wrong if your spouse is deployed now and you got a call I'm ECSTATIC for you; I'm happy you got to talk to your loved one.
All I want is a simple call, or even a few minute chat on the computer.
And to add to my bad mood I'm in I got more Mother-in-law issues on my mind. She is now posting messages on my hubby's facebook wall stating she "Can't wait to see you on your HLTA".....which I sent an email to the hubby telling him she won't listen to me and he will have to tell her AGAIN that she WONT be seeing him on HLTA.
Sorry for the rant just my family is still in HOLLY-JOLLY mood and I can't talk to them.