So I was moping around the house tonight feeling down cause of Christmas....and the phone rings!!!!!! Its the hubby and that was special enough for christmas week!!!
So we get to talking and he said he can't wait to open his gifts in a few days, and that he really misses being at home...and he said he is glad I bought myself my pot set (I got it a few days ago on sale for 70 percent off which made them only 300 dollars, and they are my dream pots I've wanted for years Royal Doulton Stainless Steel) for Christmas. Then our conversation went like this....
"So I've been thinking of enrolling in night university classes when I get home" -Hubby
"Oh ya to finish your med school?" -me
"Not really...' - Hubby
"Oh something else then?"
"Ya something like Hospitality management' - hubby
"What? thats the course im taking in like 10 years?!!!" - me utterly confused
"Well you see I was thinking while you work on your red and gold seal Ill get the hospitality management degree and then we can open up your restaurant sooner, in like the next five years." - hubby
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! I started crying I am sooooooooo happppyyyy he is giving me the best gift EVER he is helping even more than ever me reach my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wants to open the restaurant in 5 years or less!!!!!!!!!! BEST EVER I AM STOKED....<3
Best christmas gift of my life.